How to Face the Challenges of Fighting Chemical Dependency During COVID-19

January 13, 2021 10:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Addiction is still thriving in the midst of the pandemic. Substances are still available, liquor stores are still open and people will always come up with a way. There may be added barriers such as money and places to meet and use. These added obstacles can create more emotions. Emotions of desperation and loneliness.

The pandemic has led to more challenges, like worry, lack of routine, sadness for the state of our country, our loved ones wellbeing, isolation, and financial burdens. This can all contribute to an intensification of the addiction. If you’re suffering from chemical dependency in Yakima, WA, working with substance abuse professionals can help you recover.

The data indicates a substance abuse spike

According to The Hill, “Data from the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program has revealed that the national trend of overdoses has increased ‘18 percent in March compared with last year, 29 percent in April, and 42 percent in May.’”

As people lose their jobs, homes and support networks, they’re more likely to turn to substances like alcohol, marijuana, opioids and prescription drugs, among other legal and illegal substances.

What’s worse, those who have a substance abuse problem are more likely to suffer increased effects from COVID-19, should they happen to come down with the virus. People who suffer from substance abuse problems are overrepresented in those with COVID-19 diagnoses.

Clearly, COVID-19 and substance abuse do not mix—but getting help can be especially challenging during this tough time.

Resources and tips to help in this very unique time:

  • Keep a schedule. Even if you do not plan on going anywhere, get up and shower. Create a routine. Studies show a routine can reduce the risk of relapse.
  • See your loved ones even if it’s though an app. Try out meetings on line and zoom. Going to zoom meetings may connect you with recovery friends you have not seen in a while. Who knows you may find a group to call home until the restrictions lift.
  • Most people are familiar with zoom-but if not this is a great way to group chat and attend different types of meetings, including recovery meetings. Click below to be set to information on zoom
  • Click this link to be taken to the next available Alcoholics Anonymous meeting on zoom
  • Click below to be sent to Narcotics Anonymous resources
  • If you or anyone you know is struggling during this time do not be afraid to reach out and ask for help. Below are resources don’t let things get out of hand, pick up the phone and ask about help for you or a loved one
  • Important: Crisis lines are available for all Washingtonians (regardless of your insurance status or income level).
  • this link will guide you to a specialist in your city to begin getting help.
  • The Washington Recovery Help line may be able to assist you with your specific needs also.
  • If picking up the phone does not work below is a resource to text and get in touch with a crisis counselor. US and Canada: text 741741
  • And of course please do not hesitate to call Apple Valley Counseling Services. Our friendly staff is here to help you in any way they can.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure you find a way to get help. Substance abuse and chemical dependency are serious disorders that can threaten your life and the happiness and health of those around you.

For more information about getting into substance abuse therapy in Yakima, WA, call Apple Valley Counseling Services LLC today. We can help you start on the road to recovery and provide some of the tools you need to lead a healthier, happier life.

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